There Is So Much More!


When most people hear you are into flying hobbies of some sort, the thought naturally drifts to Remote Control, Rockets or Flying Kites.  Yes, recreational RC Helicopter flying, RC Airplane flying, flying kites and shooting rockets are the most common, but the truth is there is so much more on the flying hobby subject and discovering it is half the fun!  

Over the Winter Months, we will introduce you to a wide variety of subject areas in this great hobby of ours!  Follow along, get excited, and share!  

One of our hopes is to share this incredible hobby with the younger generation.  Get them excited to learn, grow and fly everything imaginable!

Here are just a few examples of the hobby that are off the beaten path.  

Indoor RC Aerobatic Flying: F3P

Indoor flying of any sort is always a joy to watch!  Skilled flying and building techniques are required and watching them come together is amazing.   Below you will find a video from which this picture was taken.  Enjoy!

F3P Indoor RC Aerobatic Airplane
Indoor RC Aerobatic Competition known as F3P

Indoor RC Pylon Racing: F5K

Since we are discussing indoor flyers, lets just tease out Indoor Pylon Racing.  As crazy as it sounds, its a thing and highly competitive!  

Indoor Pylon Racing known as F5K

Gyrocopter Duration:S9

Shooting a rocket up in the air and watching come down is not the goal here.  Rather, controlling the decent via blade deployment is.  Pretty Cool!

S9 Gyrocopter Duration
Gyrocopter Duration: S9

The above are just examples, there is so much more!  Watch for detailed posts in the coming weeks to learn more about each area!

Rocket Hobby
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