F1D Float Documentary Release

Float Documentary for F1D Indoor Free Flight

The F1D Float Documentary Release

Attention current and future Indoor Free Flight Flying Model fans, the release of the long awaited Float Documentary is here! A Peak into competive F1D build and flying. Floatdocumentary.com is posting up the screening dates for the first viewings in Cleveland Ohio, Winston Salem North Carolina and Denton Texas! Special NOTE: It is FREE in Denton Texas!

UPDATE: It was free! The viewing has come and gone and well worth it. The reason for the update is the video is now available for order and is now shipping from their home page.

This documentary is one in which the Indoor Free Flight community has long anticipated! Designing and building the models that fly in this segment of the flying hobbies require significant attention to detail and the models themselves are a work of art. Building the lightest model within specification is only half the challenge. Dialing in the flight characteristics and understanding how to maximize the rubber band (aka the motor) is yet another!

Whether you participate / follow this segment of the hobby or have never even heard of it, grab your friends, family and especially the kids and teenagers, and go see this movie! It will introduce many to the idea there is a lot of fun in designing and flying these models and maybe, just maybe convince some that one doesn’t need an electronic device in their hand to have a blast! GO Analog, Go Old School and Enjoy!

F1D Indoor Free Flight
F1D Indoor Free Flight Model


Must Reading for Rubber Powered Projects!
F1D from Float Documentary
F1D From Float Documentary

Feel free to comment once you have seen the movie!