The Backyard Flyer

Super Decathlon RC Airplane

The Backyard Flyer

If you are one to enjoy the flying hobbies, it can be a bit challenging when times require you to stay home. These are the times the committed turn into The Backyard Flyer! Yes, flying kites is something which can be achieved in the comfort of your backyard. Retrieving from the garage, your favorite Park Flyers, whether its an RC Helicopter or RC Airplane is also something achievable, if you must fly!

This time of year, there is usually a trip scheduled to return to our favorite kite flying beach in South Padre TX. The hope this year was to push several new kites into the air and also attempt to slope soar with a beginner remote control glider setup. Unfortunately, it is not known when this trip will occur, as both the nation and world wrestle with the unknowns of the covid-19 virus. For now, this flyer will stay homebound, and do what flying that can be done, from the safety and comfort of the backyard.

The Big Deltas

In lieu of any two-line stunt kite flying, the single line kites are brought out of the bag. These can be safely flown from the yard with the added benefit of the neighbors enjoying them as well.

Here is a beautiful giant ghost delta. This thing is massive!

Giant Ghost Delta Kite
11′ Wide Ghost Delta with a 30′ Tail!

This one caught the neighbors attention! A phone call asking what is the backyard flyer above your house? Answer back: flying kites can occur almost anywhere!

Gorgeous Kite The Backyard Flyers
Another beautiful giant Delta!

A side note: when we find great deals on flyers we love, we stock up and make them available. Check our store!

The Park Flyers

If small enough, The Backyard Flyer can be one or more of your favorite Park Flyers. Here are a couple of ours, which are perfect size for the backyard.

The Blade 230 RC Helicopter. This thing is so fun to fly!

blade 230s v2 rc helicopter park flyers
Blade 230 RC Helicopter at dusk!

A Small RC Airplane. This little airplane is a park flyers favorite!

backyard rc airplane
Small and perfect for the backyard. The Flyzone Inum Elite

The List is long! We have many flyers we can put into the air from the backyard. As we do, we’ll update the post with more fun images and maybe even some video! Check out the video of a great little backyard flyer. Disclaimer, it is not our backyard or us flying! Fun to Watch!