orbit tractor lawn sprinkler

Tractor Lawn Sprinkler

You might ask yourself, what does a Tractor Lawn Sprinkler have to do with the Flying Hobbies and the answer is simple, ‘Nothing Really’. The author of this site often recommends products and services he uses personally and finds to be high quality and worthy.

The need to water a large lawn in the country, where it is not feasible or practical to have an in-ground sprinkler system, is what drove the decision to purchase several sprinklers. Plus, in full disclosure, there comes a point in most adult men’s life where we become obsessed with all things related to lawncare!

The Orbit Tractor Lawn Sprinkler

orbit tractor lawn sprinkler

This thing is a tank! The search for a tractor lawn sprinkler was born from the idea of getting one like my grand-fathers. Remembering that heavy sprinkler, running across his lawn, brought back great memories. Luckily, with the aide of Google, the selection came down to two different ones, both highly recommended. The two are the Orbit sprinkler and the Nelson brand. As of this writing, only the Orbit has been purchased and used, but there is the thought of getting the Nelson as well, one for the large front yard and one for the large backyard.

Here is a humorous video showing the two in competition. It is fun to watch, just to see how it ends! It also shows how strong both are.

Orbit vs Nelson in Head to Head Match

Here is the Orbit Tractor Lawn Sprinkler on Amazon. Just click the image.

Here is the Nelson Traveling Lawn Sprinkler on Amazon. Just click the image.

Happy Watering! If you have a large enough yard where you can use a tractor lawn sprinkler, then you might as consider the idea of flying a kite or rc helicopter or just a paper airplane. We just might know a thing or two about these things.

Lastly, if you landed on this page from a google search and are curious what this site is predominantly about, check us out!

Orbit Nelson Head to Head Tractor Lawn Sprinkler
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